Samford Journalism and Mass Communication students are leading a campaign, Voices of Bham, focusing on raising awareness about diversity and inclusion on campus and the greater Birmingham area.
The campaign began on Feb. 11, 2019 and will last until March 11, 2019.
According to a press release, four students are driving the campaign: Jack Biedermann, Ashley Hinson, Anne Davis Parks and Page Secreast.
Hinson expressed her excitement for the campaign.
“We are so excited to start this campaign and help spark a conversation across our campus and in the Birmingham community,” Hinson said, according to the press release.
These students are part of a national awareness campaign and became involved in the campaign through Samford’s Journalism and Mass Communication department; Public Relations concentration- the Bateman Competition.
Many of the strategies these students are using at Samford and throughout Birmingham derive from the book, “Diverse Voices: Profiles in Leadership”, which was recently published by the Public Relations Society of America.
For the Batman competition this year, PRSA is also the student’s client.
Ultimately, the student’s goal is create an open dialogue among the community about these topics.
Throughout their campaign, these students will host several events.

William is our News Editor. He is a Journalism & Mass Communications major from Birmingham, Alabama.