During times of crisis, be it local, national, or global, people tend to lose sight of the goal at hand. As we all know, we are currently experiencing a crisis on a global scale. Now more than ever, it’s important to be cautious, listen to experts, practice general common sense, and spend time in meditation or prayer.
These things being said, between the panic-purchasing of food and toiletries that have left many grocery stores in a mad scramble, and the excessive fear mongering on social media, it seems that many people have lost sight of the goal that we all should be striving toward. That goal is to make it to the other side, not alone, but together.
It’s a surreal time, there’s no question about that. Many if not most stores are closed, restaurants are only open for pickup orders, and social distancing has become the new norm in the blink of an eye.
I believe this is part of the reason many people are experiencing great distress about the current climate. Yes, the crisis is frightening and surreal, and yes it will take time for our country to pull itself up from its bootstraps. But what we are experiencing will not always be the norm.
We will not always have to await the world outside while we stay in our homes, because there will be light at the end of the tunnel. The precautions we all must take are not in vain, because they are helping us strive towards the goal.
Eventually we will be back in our classrooms and we will be able to spend time with our friends. We will be able to freely travel without fear, and we will be able to joyfully congregate.
Until then, we can wait together.
Like many frightening events before it, the crisis we are currently experiencing will not subside overnight. In writing this, my intention isn’t to distract from the seriousness of the current situation. In writing this, my only hope is to express my belief; that better days lie ahead.
Thomas is a staff writer here at the Crimson. He writes his weekly column, Tommy’s Music Corner, where he dives into the local underground music scene.