Breck Brigham, Contributing Writer

Samford Film Club held its second meeting of the semester on October 20. The meeting consisted of watching the movie and then having a discussion following the movie about it. Each meeting is a different movie. The one held on October 20 was the film Election. In the past few years since the club was created, they have shown movies such as Fantastic Mr. Fox, Prince of Egypt, Dr. Strangelove, 12 Angry Men and Whiplash. There was not a big turn out for this past meeting, but everyone there enjoyed the movie and had a great discussion following the movie. The discussion ranged from feelings about the movie, film techniques, acting and anything else relating to the film or film technique used.
The club holds regular meetings throughout the semester, each showing a different movie with a discussion following the movie. This was their second meeting of this semester. They plan to host two more events this semester and will continue with more showings next semester. If you are interested in more, check out their Instagram and look our for film poster posted around the school more towards when the next screening will be.
Film Club is a great way for movie lovers or people who just want to come watch a movie to just hang our and watch a film. The discussion afterwards is great as well because then you can learn about the movie and if you are not studying film or into it as much as others, you can learn from the discussion and share what you believe as well.