Students filed into the auditorium, seeking shelter from the turbulent weather just outside the building’s doors. Just like the rain outside, visitors poured into Brock Recital Hall, picking up programs and conversing with one another as they waited for the show to begin and to be swept away by a story they could understand on an emotional level, even if they couldn’t translate it on a verbal one. A hush fell over the crowd of whispers as the performers were introduced. Walking onto the stage, the pair took a bow and began their concert.
Held on Jan. 31, the recital was the result of three faculty members’ hard work and dedication.
Brad Diamond provided the vocal tenor for the evening. Diamond is a member of the voice faculty at Samford who has presented over 400 vocal performances during his career. Accompanying him on piano was Professor Cindy St. Clair, an in-demand collaborative pianist who provided the instrumentals for the show.
The song cycle performed by the team of teachers was “Die schöne Müllerin” by Franz Schubert. German for “The Fair Maid of the Mill,” the composition was composed in 1823, and details the story of a young miller who is thrown into despair after the maid of the mill leaves him for a hunter, ultimately ending in his tragic demise.
Diamond expressed how he wished for the night’s performance to be taken in by those in attendance.
“We hope that you will receive the songs in the manner Schubert intended; as parlor music to be shared amongst friends and cohorts dedicated to the piano-vocal tradition.”
Additionally, Diamond and St. Clair were joined by Joe Cory, a professor in the Department of Art and Design, who provided a visual projection behind the musicians to enhance the experience. Looking to capture the troubled inner journey of the piece’s main character, Cory incorporated a fixed image which would shift colors and fragment to visualize this internal turmoil.
“I am beyond grateful to Brad and Cindy for giving me the creative freedom to enhance Schubert’s work and their performance in this way.” Cory said.
Each contributor was integral to the overall effect of the performance, adding a crucial element that would diminish the experience as a whole should it be removed. Each factor came together for an immersive and captivating experience.
After the performance concluded, the professors were greeted with a standing ovation from the crowd.

Contributing Writer