Breck Brigham, Contributing Writer

To help with the study effort here are some tips and recommendations to help during your study sessions. Hopefully these will help students get through the potential stressful time of finals. Make sure you have a plan and have gone over study guides, if they apply, for each test or project so each one is easier to study. Also, take plenty of study breaks, you don’t want to overload your brains and not learn what you are studying. While on the topic of breaks, get plenty of rest as well. Go to sleep at good times, so you won’t be tired the next day or during tests. Make sure to keep up your strength as well and take snack breaks and eat all your meals throughout the day.
More importantly, keep a clean study area and keep all distractions to a minimum so that you will be truly focused on studying and getting ready for finals. Good luck to everyone and do well on your finals and the end of the year.